New Delhi: Senior Aam Aadmi Party leader and MCD in-charge Durgesh Pathak said that Aam Aadmi Party's protest and struggle has paid off well as the BJP has cancelled the proposal to sell Dangal Maidan. He said that even before this, the BJP had been continuously bringing proposals to sell the properties of the MCD which the Aam Aadmi Party has always opposed. 


Durgesh Pathak said that AAP has been successful many times in its struggles but the BJP has implemented many proposals arbitrarily, adding that the Aam Aadmi Party also demands the BJP to roll back the proposal to sell the Novelty Cinema land.

Senior Aam Aadmi Party leader and MCD in-charge Durgesh Pathak issued a statement on Sunday, saying "time and again AAP has informed the public about the corruption and loot of Delhi BJP through press conferences. We also told you how the Bharatiya Janata Party is selling the properties of the MCD in arbitrary ways. First came a proposal to sell Novelty Cinema. Then came an offer to sell 4 famous parking spaces in Delhi.  And now they had come up with a proposal to sell Dangal Maidan in front of Old Delhi Railway Station. The Aam Aadmi Party has been trying to get these proposals cancelled by protesting fiercely."

Pathak said, "I am very happy that at last, the BJP has had to bow down to the opposition of the Aam Aadmi Party. I am extremely happy to inform everyone that the BJP has today rolled back the offer to sell Dangal Maidan. I hope BJP will not repeat its old mistakes and will not commit the mistake of selling the MCD's assets even after cancelling the proposal. I am saying this because BJP goes back in its own words. In the past, despite strong opposition from the Aam Aadmi Party and the public, the BJP sold the land of the Novelty Cinema."

According to the AAP leader, "in the last Standing Committee meeting, the Aam Aadmi Party protested against the proposal to sell Dangal Maidan.  Due to which the BJP had to go on the back foot. BJP also knows that today due to their own mistakes their image among the public has been completely tarnished."

"We are not saying this, but one of their own leaders himself believes that BJP has made the mistake of taking many wrong decisions.  Due to which the public is angry. The impact of their mistakes will be clearly seen in the upcoming municipal elections.  It is not possible to compensate for this. The people of BJP themselves are accepting the mistakes of the party. This makes it clear that the claims and protests of the Aam Aadmi Party are not false," the AAP leader added.

Durgesh Pathak said, "Aam Aadmi Party works only and only in the interest of the public, will never allow anything wrong to happen to the public.  We will not allow BJP to sell MCD's properties.  Whenever you will try to commit corruption inside the MCD, try to sell the corporation's assets, try to harass people the Aam Aadmi Party will protest against you. The Aam Aadmi Party also demands that the proposal of the novelty cinema land sale by the BJP  also be cancelled.  Otherwise, the Aam Aadmi Party will continue its protest."

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