Dr Viral Desai is one of the best celebrity cosmetic surgeons in India. He has worked with the best Bollywood actors, politicians & so many other high-profile clients. Dr. Desai has also played a very important role in changing the country’s narrative of plastic & cosmetic surgery.


He is a lifelong learner. Throughout Dr. Viral Desai’s life, he has had a hunger for knowledge & improvement, something that makes him stand out. Dr. Desai has set the benchmark high for fellow medical professionals who want to make it in plastic & cosmetic surgery.

There is a lot one can learn from another person’s life. In this article, we tell you about the life of Dr. Viral Desai, who is an inspiration to many medical professionals today.

Childhood & Family Background of Dr. Viral Desai

Dr. Desai grew up in a family of medical professionals. Dinner table conversations were quite different than the average Indian household & naturally, he gravitated towards building a career in medicine.

Dr. Viral Desai’s mother – Mrs. Sarla Desai, is a Gynaecologist & Obstetrician. She is one of the key people behind Dr. Desai’s success & has played a major role in his life – both as a mother & a mentor.

His father – Late Mr. Ramesh Desai, was a Radiologist & Sonologist.

Qualifications & Degrees of Dr. Viral Desai

Dr. Viral Desai is a lifelong student. He loves to learn & upskill, and it is probably what makes him stand out. He has completed the toughest degrees from prestigious universities. Here are a few of his qualifications:

  • Dr. Desai is a Board-certified surgeon
  • MBBS from L.T.T.M. College, Sion, Mumbai
  • General Surgery at TATA, KEM & Cooper Hospitals
  • Super Speciality in Plastic Surgery (M. Ch.) from Sir J.J. Hospitals, Mumbai

Achievements & Awards of Dr. Viral Desai

Dr. Desai’s fruitful career is backed by evidence. He has received many awards through the course of his long career of 20+ years. Here are the top 14 of the many awards that he has won:

1.      Icon of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery in India, 2010 from RK HIV AIDS Research & Care Centre

2.      Best Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon in India, 2013 from Global Healthcare Excellence Awards

3.      Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Western India, 2013 at the Leadership Excellence Awards

4.      Best Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon in India, 2013 from RK HIV AIDS Research & Care Centre

5.      Hair Restoration Service Provider Company Of The Year 2013 from Frost & Sullivan at its 5th Annual India Healthcare Excellence Awards

6.      Jury’s Choice Award for the Best Cosmetic Surgeon, 2015

7.      Best Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon in India, 2015 from Praxis Media

8.      India’s Most Promising Hair Transplant Surgeon, 2015

9.      Indian Of The Year (Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery), 2016 at the India Leadership Conclave Awards

10.   India’s Global Face in Hair Transplant, 2017 at the Pharma Leaders Awards

11.   Midday Icon in Plastic Surgery & Hair Restoration Clinic, 2018 at the Mid-Day Health & Wellness Icon Awards

12.   Times Health Excellence Award for Best Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, 2019

13.   Dermasource Innovation Award, 2018 from Dermasource India

14.   Dr. Viral Desai’s clinic – CPLSS, was ranked number 1 by the Times of India group for Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery & Trichology in 2018

Dr. Viral Desai has beautifully crafted his career by pursuing the toughest medical degrees & winning so many awards for himself. His achievements are a popular topic among medical professionals. The key takeaway from the article is that one should never stop learning. Being a student for life can take you really far in life!

(Brand Desk Content)