New Delhi: As Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget 2020 in Lok Sabha on Saturday (February 1), reactions started pouring in from all quarters. Here we take a look at some of the reactions that have been coming in on the Union Budget presented by the minister. 


Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi described the budget as nothing but 'hollow' saying, "Maybe this was the longest Budget speech in history but it had nothing, it was hollow." The Congress leader further added that the government did not presented any strategic idea on unemployment. "The main issue facing is unemployment. I didn't see any strategic idea that would help our youth get jobs. I saw tactical stuff but no central idea. It describes govt well, lot of repetition,rambling-it is mindset of govt, all talk, but nothing happening," he said. 

Congress leader Anand Sharma dismissed the Union Budget 2020 as 'insipid' saying, "it lacks stimulus for growth; no clear roadmap for job creation."

CPI(M)'s Sitaram Yechury said, "Just platitudes, slogans; nothing substantial to alleviate people's misery, growing unemployment, prices."

An official statement from the Congress party said that it was the longest budget speech and was most lacklustre. It also added that the budget had no real solutions to slve economic crisis. "After Acche Din, New India, it appears govt also abandoned USD 5 trillion economy target. Budget full of piecemeal measures, repackaged schemes, jugglery of tax slabs and no real solutions to solve economic crisis."