TN Plus 2 Supplementary Result 2023: Directorate of Government Examinations, Tamil Nadu has announced the date for the declaration of Tamil Nadu Class 12th supplementary results. According to the official notification, DGE will declare the TN 12th Result on the official website - on July 24, 2023.
Students who appeared for the Tamil Nadu Class 12th Supplementary Examination will be able to check and download their results on the official website following the simple steps given here

Here's How To Check TN +2 Supplementary Result 202


Step 1: Visit the official website:

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link that reads, "TN +2 Supplementary Result 2023"

Step 3: In the newly opened tab, enter your roll number and date of birth

Step 4: Click on submit and your TN +2 Supply Result 2023 will appear on the screen

Step 5: Download the result and save it for future reference

Earlier on June 15, TNDGE declared the revaluation and re-totaling results of class 12. This year, over 9 lakh students appeared for the HSE exams out of which 7,55,451 students passed the exams.