New Delhi, Oct 03: Eight Pakistani boys who had illegally strayed into the Indian territory were today brought to Delhi for verification of their identities by Pakistani High Commission officials. The eight boys, all minors, were brought to the capital this afternoon by road from Faridkot (Punjab) accompanied by the district SDM Priyank Bharati. The boys who had strayed into Indian territory had been called in for questioning by officials of both countries. Indian External Affairs Ministry official Kanaka Sabesan and Pakistani High Commission's First Secretary Dr Aman Rashid were present at the meeting at Punjab Bhawan. During the meeting, the boys were asked about their identities, their father's name and how they had strayed into Indian territory etc.
Rashid said the procedure to confirm their national status would take about a week and "hopefully by next week", they would be able to confirm the boys' whereabouts and hand them over to the Indian government. "Then the Indian government has to decide."
Sabesan said the "boys will be sent back as soon as Pakistan produced the travel documents. The ball is in their court".
When asked whether the boys had strayed inadvertently, Sabesan replied "they claim so".
The boys would be taken back to Faridkot probably tonight itself, where they are being kept at an "observation home", Bharati said.
Bureau Report