Hamburg, Mar 13: The United States is apparently planning a ''significant reduction'' of its nuclear arsenal in Europe, the German weekly Der Spiegel said in its latest edition, reporting on a remark by Nato supreme commander James Jones. Der Spiegel said Jones, during talks with Belgian senators in Brussels last week, surprised his hosts with an ''off-hand'' remark on the matter, without going into specifics. ''There is going to be a significant reduction,'' the general was quoted as telling the Belgian politicians about US plans for its nuclear weapons in Europe, in what he called ''good news''
But Der Spiegel said there were no specific details in Jones' remark, or whether the reductions would affect US-held nuclear weapons in Germany.

Under the US-soviet agreement on reducing nuclear weapons from Europe, the united states in the early 1990s removed thousands of atomic mines, artillery shells, bombs, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. Military experts believe that the Americans still have some 200 B-61 nuclear bombs in Europe. Bureau Report