Jerusalem, Dec 04: One of the major checkpoints in the West Bank was opened while two other roadblocks were lifted, according to an Israeli military statement. The Surda checkpoint which had prevented vehicles from moving between Ramallah and some 40 towns and villages to the north, including Bir Zeit University, was opened "as part of ongoing efforts to improve the lives of the Palestinian population."
The Israeli army lifted the roadblock at Surda earlier this summer amid a lull in violence between the two sides but it was re-established after two Hamas suicide attacks in Jerusalem and near Tel Aviv on September 09.
The statement also said that roadblocks east of the village of Halhoul and to the south of the Jewish settlement of Metzed had also been lifted, enabling traffic to travel freely between Bethlehem and the West Bank town of Hebron.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who has been criticised by the US and his own top brass for his policies in the occupied territories, recently ordered the army to ease restrictions on Palestinians in the West Bank.
Bureau Report