New Delhi, May 16: Having meandered through ‘mera bharat mahaan’ during some its most turbulent political days, its tempting to rename this weeks musings 'Only in India '. The outside world is watching with absolute fascination and bemusement, the prospect and process of the world's largest democracy hoist an Italian Roman Catholic woman as its Prime Minister. An E-mail from a friend in Beijing expresses some of the surprise and ambivalence. ''It's a bit sad to hear Vajapaee is gone — a surprise! He left me very good impression,'' writes Fei Jing, whose Indian discovery began after a visit here in February 2002. ''No matter how Indian Ms Gandhi can learn to be, her root is not, and never can be. What will she bring to India, and to the world, and to China-India relationship — question marks! Who knows? Could be a surprise too!'' Forget China, where the fires of nationalism run deep, few countries in the world can countenance a person of foreign origin take over the leadership. In the oft-quoted example of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, who was elected President in 1990, was a second-generation Japanese. The closest parallel actually involves a person from the sub-continent Punjabi immigrant Ujjal Dosanjh's election as the premier of the Canadian province of British Columbia in February 2000. But that's like Arnold Schwarzenegger being elected Governor of California. He can go no further. Even the great bastion of democracy, the United States, does not allow foreign-born citizens to become chief executive, thus keeping the highest office out of reach of eminent people like Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright. No wonder the Bush administration was moved to marvel the miracle of Indian democracy, although true to form, the State Department, even in this remarkable moment, could not refrain from the usual advice about talks with Pakistan yada yada yada. Meanwhile, have a good laugh at this one. While India was bringing about momentous changes in leadership, a semi-official US Commission on International Religious Freedom castigated New Delhi for its record on protecting the rights of minorities. Yeah, right, that's why India will now have a Christian Prime Minister to go with a Muslim President (a widow and a bachelor to boot). The bastion of democracy, religious freedom and human rights — the mostly white Christian United States, to paraphrase the description of India by western correspondents — is set to elect its 44th President — another Christian white male. But why stick it into them in their hour of perplexity? Let us also admire the great bastion for its several firsts. At least five of their Presidents were allegedly of mixed European and African ancestry (Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Harding, Eisenhower). Three married during their presidency (Tyler, Cleveland, Wilson ). Three had adopted children (Washington, Jackson, Reagan). Three had children out of wedlock (Jefferson, Cleveland, Harding). Three were childless (Madison, Polk, Buchanan) and one was divorced (Reagan). But you can bet your bottom dollar you won't see a Muslim President of the US in your lifetime.