Islamabad, Sept 22: Maintaining that arms purchases by India have upset the conventional weapons balance in South Asia, Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has said he would raise the issue with US President George W Bush and other world leaders on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. The "massive arms purchases" by India badly affected the balance in conventional weapons and he would take up the issue with Bush during their meeting on Wednesday, Musharraf was quoted by local media reports as saying on his arrival last night in New York to attend the UNGA. India was "uncontrollable" in acquiring conventional weapons, while Pakistan exercised "restraint" in this respect, the Pakistan president said. Musharraf said on his speeches and during his bilateral meetings with various heads of state, he would focus on terrorism and how it affected the image of Islam.

"I will also discuss the fallout of the international community's fight against terrorism on the Islamic world with world leaders," he said.
In his address in UN General Assembly session, he would concentrate on eradication of terrorism and its fallout on Pakistan, Musharraf said.

"It is imperative that the UN addressed these major issues which keep undermining world peace and security," the Pakistan President said.

Bureau Report