Bangalore, June 17: The Indian hardware industry leaders will now act as business ambassadors for the country, representing its manufacturing industry and attract foreign investment in the sector, Union IT and Communications Minister Arun Shourie has said. "The industry leaders who have succeeded in hardware can champion the cause and woo investors," Union IT and Communications Minister Arun Shourie told reporters.

"If I or the secretaries meet foreign companies, it will be difficult...but industry leaders can convince (foreign investors) that it is possible to have great manufacturing potential in India," Shourie said.

For this, the government will soon constitute a hardware task group, which will provide suggestions on how to improve the manufacturing environment, he said.
Earlier, addressing top IT industry professionals at the launch of the campaign for the "Bangalore IT.COM 2003, Shourie lauded its success and said the IT industry has introduced a new work culture "into our soil". Bureau Report