Amstelveen (Holland), Aug 18: The quiet suburb with its tree-lined avenues and parks, where the official team hotel is located is providing just the balm that the Indian players needed after two high pressure matches in the 25th Champions Trophy hockey tournament here.
The 3-4 loss to the Netherlands on Saturday followed by an unconvincing 3-2 win against a young German team the following day, has taken a lot out of the players.
The off-day today has come as a welcome break as the team lolled around in the hotel with some light gym work and a spot of jogging today.
Coach Rajinder Singh though sported a crease of worry on his forehead as he mulled over Tomorrowbe going flat out against us. After all, they have only one point (from a draw with Pakistan) from two matches, so they would obviously be going all out for a win tomorrow," Rajinder Singh told here.
India, with three points from two matches, need to sustain the momentum if they hope to make it to the medal rounds at the end of this week when the six-nation tournament concludes.

"It is going to be a very tough match. The Aussies have not been playing as well as they were a couple of months back when we went to their country for the three-nation tournament. But even then, we cannot take them lightly as I feel they are fully capable of raising their game.
Bureau Report