Washington, Mar 19: Hoping that India and Pakistan would hold "positive discussions" on the Kashmir issue, the US Secretary of State Colin Powell has said that it is for the two countries to resolve their differences keeping in mind the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. "It (Kashmir) is an issue certainly and that is why it is one of the issues that was included in the agreement of the 6th of January and as both sides understand, is an issue that will have to be discussed in due course", Powell told GEO TV yesterday when asked if Kashmir was the central issue between India and Pakistan.

On January 6, India and Pakistan announced that they had agreed to commence a composite dialogue for peaceful settlement of all bilateral issues including Jammu and Kashmir.

"I am pleased that a map has been laid out... now these issues will be dealt with over a period of time. And it is a matter for the two sides to resolve between them, keeping of course, in mind the interest and the aspirations and desires of the Kashmiri people", Powell said.
Asked whether the Kashmir issue would be resolved this year, Powell said "Oh, I can't answer that. It's a dispute that's been there for many years, and I just hope that the two sides will enter into positive discussions as part of this new framework they have created". Bureau Report