Minneapolis, Aug 06: The Episcopal Church has voted to approve the election of their first openly gay bishop, a decision that risks splitting their denomination and shattering ties with their Anglican sister Churches worldwide.
After a delay caused by an allegation that he inappropriately touched another man and was affiliated with a web site that had a link to pornography, the Episcopal general convention approved the Rev. V. Gene Robinson as Bishop of the diocese of New Hampshire.

Robinson had been cleared of the accusations a few hours before the vote was taken yesterday.
Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold said the bishops voted 62-45 to confirm Robinson's election. Two Bishops abstained from voting, but their ballots under Church rules were counted as "no" votes.
American conservatives and like-minded overseas Bishops who represent millions of parishioners have said confirming Robinson would force them to consider breaking away from the Church.

The Episcopal Church, with 2.3 million members, is the US branch of the 77 million-member Global Anglican Communion, which has been debating the role of gays for decades. A win by Robinson was expected to build momentum for other policy changes that would be favourable to homosexuals.

The Episcopal Church has no official rules – either for or against - ordaining gays.

Some Episcopal Parishes already allow homosexual clergy to serve and gays who did not reveal their sexual orientation have served as bishops. But Robinson is the first clergyman in the Anglican Communion to live openly as a gay man before he was elected.

Bureau Report