Ahemdabad, Apr 03: A crucial meeting of Board of Governors of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A), came to an end with a decision to maintain status quo on fee-structure for the current year.
This means that the 80 per cent fee cut would not be implemented immediately. The decision was taken since the institute is set to begin discussions with the Human Resources Development Ministry.

The meeting was attended by its 25 members and Chairman and Infosys mentor N R Narayanmurthy. However, Joint Secretary V S Pande and Financial Advisor V Piprasaniya of the HRD ministry were absent from the meet.

The top rank officials were absent at Friday`s meeting of the IIM-A Society too. The meeting had passed two resolutions giving authority to the Board to make a decision on the issues.
In an apparent softening of stand, the IIM-A society had on Friday decided to initiate dialogue with the HRD Ministry. The institute held that the legal course would be followed only if there was no headway during the talks on the fee-cut and autonomy issues.

Reacting to the resolution, HRD Minister Murli Manohar Joshi said he will comment on it later. "I have just come back from Allahabad and am not aware of the various aspects of the resolution. I will study the document before commenting on it," he said.

Meanwhile, the chairman of IIM-Calcutta has expressed his displeasure with some board members who have publicly said that the institute will accept a fee cut.
The IIM-C board also met today, ahead of the institute`s convocation, but the issue was not discussed.

Bureau Report