Dhaka, Aug 28: The nationwide dawn-to-dusk general strike called by Bangladesh's main Opposition party to protest the killing of its senior leaders came into force today shutting down schools, shops and disrupting traffic throughout the country. The strike was called by Opposition Awami League to protest against the killing of party's southwestern city Khulna's president Monjurul Imam on Monday. The party is also protesting the killing of its Dhaka chapter general secretary Mozammel Haq on Tuesday.
Police have detained nine suspects in connection with Imam's murder. The outlawed Purbo Bangla Community Party has claimed responsibility for the killing but the Awami League has blamed Prime Minister Khaleeda Zia's supporters but the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) has denied the charge.
In capital Dhaka, streets were quite except a few rickshaws ferrying commuters. Government offices opened but turnout was low.
Party activists chanted slogans and jostled with police within barricaded areas but there were no reports of violence.
Security has been tightened with nearly 5,000 police and paramilitary forces deployed around Dhaka to prevent violence during the strike. Bureau Report