Pune, Nov 28: The cricket board will file an appeal in the High Court challenging the city court`s order which restrained BCCI from suspending Abhijit Kale from playing matches without holding an inquiry into the bribery allegations against him. BCCI counsel Milind Hartalkar told reporters after the court verdict today that the board would file an appeal in the high court as soon as it gets the certified copy of the order from the lower court. He said the district civil court had not interpreted the BCCI`s rules and regulations properly. "The clause 38 (VII) of the BCCI rules state that "pending inquiry, the BCCI president can suspend the player until final adjudication".

In his argument the BCCI counsel had contended that the very appointment of the commissioner should be construed as the start of an inquiry and so kale cannot say that he was suspended before the commencement of inquiry.
Bureau Report