Los Angeles, Aug 07: An instrument aboard one of the two Nasa rovers en route to mars has malfunctioned, prompting worries it could harm the robot's information- gathering ability, a scientist said. If left unfixed, the instrument could still determine the presence of iron-bearing minerals in the rocks and soil on the martian surface, but not their relative abundance, Steve Squyres, of Cornell University, said yesterday. Some of that information could be derived from the rover's other instruments, however.

Scientists hope that testing the minerals will help solve the riddle of whether mars was ever a warmer, wetter place capable of sustaining life.

“We would be able to extract some science from the data - not everything, but some,'' said Squyres, lead scientist on the package of instruments carried on the rover, spirit, and its twin, opportunity.
Scientists do no understand the cause of the glitch, but have five months to come up with a remedy before the rover lands, Squyres said. Spirit is expected to make a 3 landing on Mars, followed by opportunity on January 24.

The instrument, called a mossbauer spectrometer, malfunctioned during tests last week.

The national aeronautics and space administration will continue to work on a long-distance fix to spirit's instrument during the balance of its cruise to mars.
“We will do the best we can to adjust the instrument so it delivers the maximum science,'' Squyres said.

The $ 800 million pair of rovers otherwise remain in excellent health, according to Nasa.

Bureau Report