Continuing her good form, World junior champion Koneru Humpy defeated Hungarian IM Adam Horvath (2490) in the eighth round at the First Saturday GM tournament, in Budapest, Hungary.
Humpy is now placed fifth with 4.5 points.
International Master Tejas Bakre of India defeated Albert Bokros of Hungary in his eighth round match.
The Hungarian GM Ferenc Berkes (2541) defeated IM Sang Cao (2507) of Hungary to lead the tournament with 6 points.
Yugoslavian GM Zlatko Ilincic (2521), Hungarian IM Attila Czebe (2491), Indian IM Tejas Bakre (2446) share the second place with 5 points each.
In the ninth round, Humpy will play with whites against IM Andreas Schenk (2443) of Germany.
Bureau Report