Theni, May 15: Mani, a hotel owner here, gets an unusual visitor, a monkey, around 1500 hrs daily, to take one egg which mani himself breaks and offers to the latter, whom he adores as God Hanuman.
The regular visitor had been taking his evening tiffin (egg) in the hotel for the past six months and was very friendly with him, Mani told reporters here.
The monkey which attracts crowd, relishes the egg and takes its own time to eat it and it does not accept any food item given by anyone other than him, Mani says.
Mani said initially the monkey took him by surprise and snatched one egg daily from the egg basket. "One day when I offered it myself it accepted it with hesitation. After that it is coming daily and is friendly", Mani said.
He also wonders how the monkey comes daily at the fixed time. People also wonder how a monkey, who is normally a vegetarian, eats egg.

Bureau Report