New Delhi, Sept 11: Setting out regional goals, American Assistant Secretary of State Christina Rocca today said India and the US could work together to help Nepal defeat the Maoist threat and re-establish democratic institutions responsive to the needs of the people. "India's historic, cultural and social ties with Nepal continue to make it the most important outside influence on events in that country," Rocca said at a business meet organised by the CII here.

"Working in tandem, our governments can help Nepal defeat the Maoist threat and re-establish democratic institutions responsive to the needs of the people," she said. Observing that the US was seeking an end to the Maoist violence and insurgency in Nepal that has already left thousands dead, she said "US programmes in Nepal are intended to facilitate the government's efforts both to restore security and to focus on development and poverty eradication--some of the social ills that initially gave rise to the Maoists."

She said the Maoists had shown themselves to be a "ruthless enemy by their tactics in the field and through terrorist attacks against both government and innocent civilian targets" In Afghanistan, the US sought to create a new country marked by stability and peace and ruled by a regime that was "moderate, democratic and representative of its constituent ethnic groups".

Bureau Report