New Delhi, Sept 14: India and Pakistan may differ on many issues but they have decided to jointly fight out the piracy of books, co-publishing rights and outstanding payments. Infact, the Federation of Indian Publishers plans to send a delegation of its members to Pakistan in November to discuss the issues of piracy, export of books, and outstanding payments as agreed in the memorandum of understanding recently signed by publishers from both countries.

Under the MoU signed between Anand Bhushan, president of FIP and M Iqbal Cheema, central vice president Pakistan Publishers and Booksellers Association (PPBA) on August 29, the two sides had agreed to form a joint working group to promote book trade, co-publishing, sale and purchase of copyrights and take steps to curb piracy of books at both ends.

"Under the agreement it was decided that the joint working group would also organise and facilitate annual exchange of delegations in both countries to ensure that the publishing programmes agreed upon are successfully met and it is under this mandate that we propose to send a delegation to Pakistan in November after we receive an invitation from them," S K Ghai, secretary general SAARC book development council said.

Bureau Report