New Delhi, Aug 13: Lok Sabha was today adjourned for the day amid pandemonium over the issue of denial of CVC report on defence purchases to Public Accounts Committee with angry Opposition demanding resignation of Defence Minister George Fernandes. As soon as the House reassembled after the one-hour adjournment, the members from Congress, RJD and Left parties again stormed the well, raising anti-government slogans like "George Fernandes should resign" and "scam-tainted government cannot run."
In the midst of din, Speaker Manohar Joshi allowed tabling of papers including a statement by Petroleum Minister Ram Naik on Monday's helicopter crash in the Arabian Sea carrying ONGC personnel. The CVC issue also paralysed proceedings in Rajya Sabha where the Opposition created a furore, forcing adjournment of the House for two hours. As the Opposition members refused to heed to his repeated requests to return to their seats, the Speaker directed the authorities to switch off the transmission of the proceedings by the state-owned channel. Bureau Report