London, July 28: Holding the government responsible for the death of David Kelly, the scientist at the centre of Iraq weapons dossier row, Clare Short, former secretary of state for international development said the issue may force Prime Minister Tony Blair to stand down before the next general election. Stating that the death of Kelly was due to "an abuse of power" by the government, she warned that the tragedy has become a symbol of Blair's "obsession with spin".

In an interview published in the daily `The Independent', today, Clare Short, who quit the cabinet on the Iraq war issue said "the affair has made it more likely Blair will stand down before the next general election." She described Blair as an "emperor" and a neo-conservative", saying his speech this month to both houses of the US Congress showed he shared the analysis of Washington hardliners. "He is a complete convert to the neo-conservative view of the world."

Recalling her 1996 attack on spin doctors "who live in the dark" she reminded "spin would damage and destroy Tony. There is a danger the tragedy of this death encapsulates the argument (about spin) and then everyone sees it through that lens. Public confidence has changed enormously. It has deepened the sense there is something wrong in the way in which no 10 is run. There is more scrutiny of that, so that affects Tony Blair's reputation." She said normal government procedures were breached in the way Dr Kelly was unmasked, triggering the events leading to his apparent suicide. She believed that resignations should follow Lord Hutton's inquiry.

Bureau Report