Time and again, India has participated in peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations to strengthen the world body, and international peace and security. Countries, which participate in UN Peacekeeping Operations, have to provide not only the military expertise but also have to be politically acceptable. While approaching our participation in different peacekeeping operations, we have based ourselves on the basic principles given below :-
  • All means for the peaceful settlement of disputes should be exhausted before establishing a peacekeeping operation.

  • Peacekeeping operations should strictly adhere to principles of the UN Charter, in particular the principles of full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, and non-intervention in their internal affairs.

  • Peacekeeping operations should be considered only at the request of the member states involved and should be under the command and control of the UN.
  • Resources for peacekeeping activities should not be at the expense of resources for development activities of the UN.

  • There should be no hesitation in ending those operations, which have been overtaken by events or become inconsistent with their mandates.

  • It is also important to ensure that the distinction between peacekeeping operations and other activities of the UN, including humanitarian assistance, is maintained at all times.

  • The anticipated duration of a peacekeeping mission should be tied to clear objectives and realistic criteria to end the mission and an exit strategy.

  • Indian Army’s Participation in Past & Present UN Missions
  • UN Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission in Korea (NNRC - Nov 50 to 53).

  • UN International Commission - Indo-China/ Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia (UNIC - 54 to 70)

  • UN Emergency Force - I- Gaza Strip/Egypt & Isreal; (UNEF - I Nov 56 to JUN 67)

  • UN Observation Group in Lebanon (UNOGIL - JUN 58 to Dec 58)

  • UN Operations in Congo(ONUC - Jul 60 to JUN 64)

  • UN Security Force in West New Guinea (West Irian) (UNSF - Oct 62 to Apr 63)

  • UN Yemen Observation Mission(UNYOM - Jul 63 to Sep 64)

  • UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus(UNFICYP - Jan 64 to Dec 76)

  • UN Secretary General’s Representative in Dominic Republic (DOMREP - May 65 to Oct 66)

  • UN Iran - Iraq Military Observer Group(UNIIMOG - Aug 88 to Feb 91)

  • UN Transition Assistance Group in Namibia(UNTAG - May 89 to May 91)

  • Organisation De Nations UN AU Central America/Nicaragua (ONUCA - Nov 89 to Jan 92)

  • UN Observer Mission in El Salvador(ONUSAL - Jul 91 To Apr 95)

  • UN Iraq - Kuwait Observer Mission(UNIKOM - Apr 91 - Till Date)

  • UN Advance Mission in Cambodia (UNAMIC - Oct 91 to Mar 92)

  • UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC - Feb 92 to Sep 93)

  • UN Military Liaison Team in Cambodia(UNMLT - Sep 93 to May 94)

  • UN Protection Force in Former Yugoslavia(UNPROFOR - Mar 92 to Mar 93)

  • UN Operations in Mozambique(ONUMOZ - Dec 92 to Oct 94)

  • UN Operations in Somalia - II(UNOSOM - II Mar 93 to Dec 94)

  • UN Observer Mission in Liberia(UNOMIL - Sep 93 to Sep 97)

  • UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda(UNAMIR - Oct 93 to Mar 96)

  • UN Advance Mission in Cambodia(UNAMIC - Oct 91 to Mar 92)

  • UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia(UNTAC - Feb 92 to Sep 93)

  • UN Military Liaison Team in Cambodia(UNMLT - Sep 93 to May 94)

  • UN Mission In Bosnia & Herzegovina(UNMIBH - Dec 95 to Till Date)

  • UN Observer Mission In Sierra Leone(UNOMSIL - Jul 98 to Oct 99 )

  • UN Assistance Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL- Nov 99 to Feb 01)

  • UN Angola Verification Mission - I(UNAVEM - I June 89 - May 91)

  • UN Angola Verification Mission - II(UNAVEM - II - May 91 - Feb 95)

  • UN Angola Verification Mission - III(UNAVEM - III Feb 95 to Jun 97)

  • UN Observer Mission in Angola (UNOMA - Jul 97 to Jul 99)

  • UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL - Nov 98 to Till Date)

  • UN Mission in Congo (MONUC –Nov 1999 till date)

  • UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE – Mar 2001 till date)

  • UN Mission in Angola (UNMA- Jul 2002- till date)

  • Bureau Report