The home of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in Gaza City was damaged during the Israeli bombardment on Wednesday night of targets of his Force 17 presidential security guard. Windows of the apartment building were smashed and walls cracked when a missile struck a neighbouring building, while a member of Force 17 who was there at the time was lightly injured. Arafat was in Amman for the Arab summit at the time of the raids against Force 17 targets in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which followed a spate of bombings in Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has repeatedly accused Force 17 of being involved in attacks against Israeli civilians. "The purpose is to strike directly at those responsible for terrorism," the Israeli military said in a statement.
Palestinian television showed a wounded Palestinian security officer being wheeled into a Ramallah hospital on a gurney. There were preliminary reports of Palestinian injuries in Gaza as well, but details could not immediately be confirmed. In Gaza, Israeli helicopter gunships hit Palestinian buildings and security targets in at least five places, Palestinian witnesses said.
Bureau Report