Jerusalem, Aug 22: Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip fired four homemade rockets at Israeli towns last night after an Israeli missile strike killed a senior Hamas leader, the Army said. No one was wounded. Two of the Qassam rockets landed in an open field in the collective farm of Nir-Am that borders the Gaza Strip, an Army spokesman said. A third rocket damaged a house in the Israeli town of Sderot, which is just a few kilometers from Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's private retreat, Sycamore Ranch.
A fourth rocket also was found after striking Sderot, the spokesman said. No one was wounded, though several people were treated for shock, he said. The rocket attack came as militants fired a barrage of 15 mortar shells at Jewish settlements and Army outposts in the Gaza Strip, the Army said. No injuries were reported, but at least one house was damaged.
The Hamas military wing, Izzedine al-Qassam said in a statement that it fired the rockets at the Israeli towns and that it was responsible for the mortar attacks. Hamas has vowed to avenge the killing of senior leader Ismail Abu Shanab earlier Thursday. An Israeli helicopter fired five missiles at his car as it slowed down at a speed bump on a busy street in Gaza City. Tens of thousands of supporters took to Gaza's streets after the Israeli missile strike, vowing to avenge Abu Shanab's death. Bureau Report