Madrid, Mar 11: At least 186 people were killed and more than 1000 injured early today in coordinated explosions on four trains in Madrid, Spanish news agency Europea Press reported, although the toll was not confirmed by official government sources.
In what appeared likely to be a deliberate attack staged only 72 hours ahead of Spanish general elections, the blasts went off on a long-distance high-speed carrier and two suburban trains packed with commuters.
At the time of the blasts they were located at one of the capital's two main railway stations, Atocha, and at two other stations in a southeastern suburb, police said.
Police and firemen evacuated buildings around Atocha station for fear of more explosions. At the site, emergency services were carrying the injured on stretchers to waiting ambulance.
Meanwhile, all hospitals in and around the capital issued an urgent appeal for blood donations, as hundreds of injured continued to arrive.

The explosions come only three days ahead of the election, when 34.5 million voters are expected to decide whether to keep ruling conservatives in power or hand a win to opposition socialists.

Government immediately blamed Basque armed separatist group ETA, which has waged a three-decade violent campaign for independence that has killed more than 850 people.
Government spokesman Eduardo Zaplana condemned what he called "an attack on Spanish democracy" and dubbed ETA a "criminal gang of killers."
The two suburban stations where the blasts occurred were Santa Eugenia and El Pozo, fire-fighters said. Bureau Report