Chennai, Mar 28: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa today announced a Rs 350 crore relief package to the farmers, who were affected by severe drought in the state. Under the package, land tax and the local cess on the tax would be waived in all the 28 districts, declared as drought hit, costing the exchequer Rs 50 crore, Jayalalithaa told the assembly today.

Making a suo motu statement, she also announced a cash assistance to the farmers to the tune of Rs 250 crore.

Under the scheme, farmers, whose crops had been completely damaged in irrigated areas, would be paid Rs 2,500 per hectare and if the cash crop was affected Rs 4,000 per hectare would be paid. For the dry crop damage, Rs 1000 would be paid per hectare, she said.
For the farmers who could not raise their crops due to drought would get 50 per cent of the compensation announced for others.
Distribution of compensation would start from April, she said.

Jayalalithaa also announced full waiver of interest on the short term crop loans availed by the small and marginal farmers from the co-operatives, which would cost the state Rs 50 crore. The government would directly pay the interest to the co-operatives as Nabard had banned any waiver. The state would also take up with the Nabard for converting all short term loans into medium term loans, she said.

Bureau Report