Beijing, Nov 20: China is ready to send over 240 soldiers to carry out peacekeeping missions in the war-torn West African nation of Liberia and is waiting for departure orders from the United Nations, a report said today. According to the general logistics department of the People's Liberation Army, the group will be responsible for transportation tasks for other peacekeeping troops near the Liberian capital of Monrovia.

The mission is at the request of the UN and has been approved by the Chinese government and the central military commission, Xinhua news agency reported. The Chinese soldiers will reside near Monrovia, a Senior Colonel with the general logistics department of the PLA, Wang Huijun said.

"As peacekeepers, we are asked never to fire the first shot, but safety is our first principle," he said.

In the past year, the group has received intensive training in shooting, field survival, landmine removal and first aid.

The group was established in December 2002 and its members were selected from over 700 volunteer candidates. To date, it has passed all exams set by senior army units and met all UN requirements regarding their peace keeping missions, the report said.

China joined the special committee on peacekeeping operations in September 1988 and sent its first "blue-helmet" company to Cambodia in 1992.
Bureau Report