Mumbai: While trying to cope with the mad rush and eccentric race in an urban setup, we often tend to lose control of ourselves and delve in a world that’s largely superficial. We are unaware of the space that exists beyond our sight and knowledge.


Over a period of time, routine life starts robbing us of our mind and body. We start experiencing lack of peace and calmness and yearn to find joy within.

How can we attain peace and be joyful even if the situations are not conducive?

Spirituality has an answer. And if you are wondering what spirituality is, then here’s one way of looking at it.

Spirituality is the realisation of the fact that there is a stronger, a bigger and a more powerful force governing you and the universe and that you are a tiny droplet in this infinite creation that knows no end. It is all about getting connected with this immeasurable force to feel in unison with the creator.

Your spiritual awakening is important to acknowledge the presence of the intangible power that witnesses the evolution of time. This will assist you in connecting with the unseen commander and derive the wisdom you need to deal with life in a manner that transforms you and inspires others.

Spiritual inclination helps you heal from within, emit radiance from within and lead a healthy life.