New Delhi: No matter how much cream you rub on your skin, if your body is not functioning well from within, the signs of it will show on your face. Tweak your sedentary lifestyle a bit and eat right, says an expert.


Anup Dhir, Senior Consultant, Cosmetic and Aesthetic surgeon, lists out some easy tips to get glowing skin.

* Lifestyle changes: Sedentary lifestyle means more free radicals in the body leading to dents or folds in collagen bands. This leads to fine lines and wrinkles. Apart from applying day and night cream, one must hydrate skin by eating loads of green vegetables and fruits. Avoid junk food as much as you can.

* Low amount of water consumption: Hydration is the basic and most essential requirement for healthy glowing skin. Water helps regulate the body temperature, flush out toxins from the body and transports nutrients to the cell.

* Cardio is must to be included in your exercise regime for glowing skin. A good cardio workout is like a mini-facial. When pores dilate sweat expels trapped dirt and oil.

* Add tomato, celery, strawberry, chia seeds and curd to your diet for an effective results.

* Try homemade face packs for that healthy looking skin. Wash your face with rose water instead of harsh chemical prone face washes. Always reach out to your kitchen rather than expensive brands to nourish your skin.