"Smoking is injurious to health", " No smoking": These slogans have been created to bring about awareness among people of the harmful effects of smoking. But they seem to have had no effect. Sumit Nagpal reports. The Delhi Government has enacted a law called "The Delhi Prohibition of Smoking and Non Smoker`s Health Protection Act – 1996”. The Act too has been blown into the wind by non-compliant smokers of Delhi. Be it the cinema halls of Delhi, railway stations or any other public place, smokers can be seen everywhere, openly flouting the rules provided by the anti-smoking law.
Neither are people willing to follow the rules, nor has the Government been able to create consciousness among the people to give up the habit. It is ironical that the institution imparting the education of law i.e. "Faculty of Law" in Delhi University has failed to prohibit the smoking in the college premises. Smokers can be seen all over taking long puffs. According to the Act, children below the age of 18 year can not buy cigarettes or bidis within a radius of 100 meters from the educational institutions, but the fact is that this is openly violated. Moreover, the owners, managers and office in-charge of every place of work have been directed to prominently put up signs stating that the place is a "No smoking zone", or that "Smoking is an offence", but the binoculars to see such signs are yet to be invented.
The officials from the level of superintendent to the undersecretaries have been empowered to evict the people who light up cigarettes at public places. The fine may range from Rs. 100 to Rs.500 for the first offence and Rs.1000 for the subsequent violation. This punishment is rarely imposed.
The seriousness of the Government can be judged from the fact that the department, which is responsible for the enforcement of the Act, is heavily understaffed and the fining has been reduced to a weekly excersise.
Clearly, availability of laws is not the problem. Implementing them is!