The Centre has sanctioned Jammu and Kashmir government's Rs 43 crore action plan to assist Kashmiri migrants wishing to return to the valley. Under this plan, 2,212 families will be taken back to the valley in the first phase, state minister for revenue, relief and rehabilitation Abdul Qayoom told the Legislative Council on Tuesday in reply to a question. He said that the state government had also prepared a long-term plan for the safe and honourable return of Kashmiri migrants to the valley and has sought Rs 2,600 crore central assistance for their rehabilitation. He said that divisional commissioner, Kashmir has been asked to verify the clusters identified to accommodate the migrants in the first phase. Replying to another question, the minister said that about 32,000 Kashmiri migrant families have been registered with the relief organisation. Out of these 4,732 families have been provided government accommodation while the remaining are either putting up in rented houses or have constructed houses of their own. Bureau Report