Singapore, Mar 12: India and the Philippines today signed an extradition treaty at the close of the 7th India-Philippine policy consultation talks in Manila. Acting justice secretary Merceditas N Gutierrez signed the treaty on behalf of the Manila government while Ambassador Navrekha Sharma signed for India. The treaty would contribute to the enhancement of mutual cooperation between India and the Philippines to combat terrorism and trans-national crime, a press statement issued by the Indian High Commission in Manila today said. In a reflection of their shared desire to engage in comprehensive and regular consultations on security issues, the two countries also held a security dialogue today.
Under the security dialogue, representatives from the two countries' defence ministeries, armed forces, and other relevant government agencies, including the ministries of foreign affairs, discussed their countries’ security policies, military and defense cooperation, intelligence sharing, as well as cooperative measures against terrorism and transnational crime.
The security dialogue will be held annually, back-to-back with the policy consultation talks, with venues alternating between the two countries’ capitals. Bureau Report