Alexandria (Virginia), Oct 29: A terror defendant accused of plotting to cut through cables that support New York`s Brooklyn Bridge was sentenced to 20 years in prison by a judge who refused to let him withdraw his guilty plea. Iyman Faris was sentenced to yesterday 15 years for aiding and abetting terrorism, plus five years for conspiracy.

According to prosecutors, Faris, 34, travelled to Pakistan and Afghanistan, carrying out low level missions for terrorists. He provided sleeping bags, cellular telephones and cash to members of Al-Qaida and met with Osama Bin Laden in 2000 at a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan, his accusers said. He also was accused of providing the terror group with information about possible US targets.

Although he is alleged to have investigated the possibility of using a gas cutter to burn through the Brooklyn Bridge`s suspension cables, Faris ultimately recommended through e-mail messages to his contacts against pursuing that option, which he described as "unlikely to succeed." Authorities said Faris received attack instructions from top terrorist leader Khalid Shaikh Mohammed for what they suggested might have been a second wave planned for New York and Washington to follow the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Faris pleaded guilty in may, but last month asked to withdraw the plea. US District Court Judge Leonie M Brinkema would not allow him to, saying she accepted the plea based on what Faris said at the time. Faris was born in Pakistan and became a U.S. Citizen in 1999. Bureau Report