London, June 14: A judge has sent two teenagers to a young offenders` institution for their part in a racist attack on three Asian youth.
The teenagers, who can not be named for legal reasons, are part of a 15-strong gang which attacked the Asian youths while they were playing football in Mornington Crescent`s Harrington Square last summer.
One of the accused, an 18-year-old, was found guilty of violent disorder and racially aggravated actual bodily harm and sentenced for a two-year sentence by the judge at West London Youth Court. The other, a 17-year-old, was sentenced to 18 months for violent disorder.
The judge took a very strong exception to the conduct of the teenagers. He said: "These offences were so serious. It was unprovoked mob-handed racial violence."
The white gang beat Asians, all around 15, with baseball bats, metal poles and a chair. The white boys who were on mopeds kept shouting racial abuse. The judge described their behaviour as appalling. One of the victims had suffered serious injuries.

The accused were refused bail by the Judge, pending appeals and sent to Feltham young offenders institution.