Colombo, May 08: Tamil Tiger rebels today claimed that the Sri Lankan military backed attacks that killed nine guerrillas in the past two weeks and warned of "dire consequences'' for a fragile cease-fire if the assaults continue. On April 25, unidentified assailants stormed the Mayawaddi camp near Batticaloa town in the country's, killing seven rebels. Two guerrillas on a motorbike were shot dead nearby yesterday.

``It is apparent that the killers have all the assistance from the Sri Lanka army,'' the Tamil Tigers said in a letter to European cease-fire monitors, according to the pro-rebel Tamilnet web site.

The Sri Lankan military has denied the allegations.

The rebels also asked the monitors to warn the government that ``The entire peace process and the cease-fire agreement are being placed in heavy risk and dire consequences have to be faced.''

"Urgent steps must be taken to conduct an in-depth inquiry and bring to book the culprits," the letter said.

The comments come amid hectic efforts by Norwegian peace-brokers to revive stalled peace talks between the government and the rebel group.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Jan Petersen will arrive in the island on Monday for discussions with President Chandrika Kumaratunga and the rebels' reclusive leader Velupillai Prabhakaran to explore ways to resume talks, stalled for more than one year.

Bureau Report