Lucknow, Feb 03: Amita Singh, high-profile BJP MLA and wife of senior Congress leader Sanjay Singh today resigned from the Amethi Assembly seat. In a surprise move, Singh -- who was recently issued a show cause notice by the BJP for 'hobnobbing' with Gandhi siblings Priyanka and Rahul at Amethi recently -- met assembly speaker Kesharinath Tripathi and tendered her resignation. Some media reports had quoted her as saying that she was awaiting a green signal from the Congress high command to join the party.

Sanjay Singh also accompanied his wife. The move on the eve of the state budget session came as a shock for the BJP which was celebrating the return of former Chief Minister Kalyan Singh back to the party-fold this evening.

Last year when her husband had resigned as a member of the BJP national executive, Singh had claimed that she would not follow Dr Singh and continue with the BJP. After Dr Singh joined the Congress on August 20 last, she always accompanied him to meet AICC president Sonia Gandhi during her tours of her parliamentary seat of Amethi.

''Very shortly the Congress high command would take a decision on her entry into the party,'' a top UPCC office bearer claimed. The leader added that Singh could also resign from the primary membership of the BJP after she gets a go ahead from the Congress. Bureau Report