United States, July 04: In an effort to help Americans ward off the battle of the bulge, US food maker Kraft foods is cutting down on both portions and fat content of its products. Into the war on America's growing bulge steps the nation's largest food company. Kraft Foods says it wants to help Americans slim down. The maker of cheese in a can, cream filled biscuits and instant pasta meals says it will put a cap on portion sizes.

The company has also promised to flesh out nutritional information on product packs and cut back on pitching its products to kids. The move comes at a critical time. Food is becoming the new tobacco with food manufacturers taking the blame for making Americans fat. At a Weight Watchers centre in Manhattan Kraft's decision has been welcomed.

Unidentified woman said, “The Kraft idea is a step in the right direction, cause these trans-fatty acids and things like that in foods are definitely not good for anybody, so the healthier the snack food is, the better." But others remember the McDonald's promise. The fast food company said it would make its fries healthier by improving its cooking oil. That was suppose to have happened by March, but customers are still waiting.

McDonald's says it is still testing to find the right new cooking oil. As a result some nutritionists have have responded with caution to this latest news. Doctor Margo Wootan, nutrition activist, says: “I''ll be more happy when I actually see it implemented. We need to keep in mind that these are just plans for changes. These plans haven't actually gone into place yet."

Others say the move will make little difference and what over sized Americans need is not smaller portions but exercise and plenty of it.

Bureau Report