Kathmandu, Oct 14: The fifth meeting of the Saarc committee of experts to draft a treaty framework for a South Asian Free Trade Agreement opened at the Saarc secretariat here today. Representatives from seven countries of the region, including joint secretary, commerce ministry, S S Kapur and Jafar Iqbal Quadir, joint secretary, ministry of commerce, Pakistan, are attending the four-day meeting which was opened by Saarc secretary general Q A M A Rahim. The Nepalese delegation is led by joint secretary, ministry of commerce and industry, Purushottam Ojha.

The meeting aims at drafting comprehensive treaty regime for a South Asian Free Trade Area to facilitate free and expanded trade relations among the seven South Asian nations. During the meeting experts from the member countries will discuss Safta negotiations and issues relating to drafting a treaty framework for Safta, besides finalising the draft treaty framework.

Kapur and Quadir discussed this morning with Rahim issues relating to Safta treaty framework which would be finalised prior to the 12th Saarc summit in Islamabad in January next year.
Bureau Report