Heavy vehicles on national highway 39 in Manipur were running with security escorts in view of the indefinite economic blockade called by a Naga organisation, official sources said on Tuesday. Buses, trucks, laden with essential items, and oil tankers were provided security on the highway linking Imphal and Dimapur in Nagaland because of the blockade called by the Naga student front since August 11 demanding extension of the ceasefire to Manipur, the sources said.
Meanwhile, the two Manipuri drivers released from captivity on August 19 said they had been abducted on August 10 at Dimapur by armed men, some of them wearing police uniforms.
The drivers told newsmen here they were blindfolded and their hands were tied before they were driven for four hours to a hideout in thick jungles.
They were kept in separate rooms, guarded by a score of persons.
They were paid Rs 300 by their captors on August 19 and dropped off at the Dimapur police station, they said. The six-body United Committee Manipur, which had spearheaded the anti-ceasefire stir, had threatened on August 16 to launch an agitation if the drivers kidnapped by the underground were not released within 48 hours.

Bureau Report