Gopalganj, Oct 14: Lok Janshakti Party president Ram Vilas Paswan today ruled out the possibility of seat adjustment with Congress in the coming Lok Sabha polls and said his party would contest all seats in Bihar and elsewhere on it own. "There is no question of having electoral alliance with the Congress. We will think of supporting the Congress if it is in a position of forming the government at the centre after the parliamentary elections next year," he told reporters here.
The LJP would also contest the forthcoming assembly polls in all the five states, he said and claimed that he had the capacity to transfer 20 per cent dalit votes.
"Mayawati claims to be the messiah of dalits on the basis of money power. But after the CBI raid on her residence, the leaders are deserting her and the BSP," he said.
Paswan supported the decision to provide reservation to econimcally weak forward castes and said with Congress and other parties welcoming it, the centre should immediately bring a legislation to amend the constitution to provide reservation to forwards.
Bureau Report