A team of CBI officials has flown to Srinagar even as raids in various parts of Jammu continued to nab one Ashfaq alleged to have passed Rs one lakh to a tout for clearing his serial in the Kashir channel of Doordarshan. CBI sent the team after special judge V K Jain rejected his anticipatory bail on January 8. Ashfaq had managed to give the slip to the CBI team which arrested the tout D K Chakarborty. The mobile number allegedly belonging to Ashfaq had been traced and the CBI sources claimed that several calls had been made to M A Beig, assistant controller of programmes in Doordarshan's Kashir channel. CBI had arrested Beig, Chakarborty and controller of programme T K Das on January 5 after searches at their residences allegedly led to recovery of certain documents and blank cheques. The sources said that the two had given some leads to the agency which were being verified. The agency was also trying to verify the actual address of a production company, which gave a blank post dated cheque to Beig. Among the three, Chakarborty was the first to be arrested on January 4 while he was allegedly receiving a bribe of Rs one lakh. His revelation led the CBI to the premises of Das and Beig, who were also arrested after a night long raid. The Kashir channel for Jammu and Kashmir was started to counter the Pakistan Television and highlight the achievements of the government.
Bureau Report