Washington, Feb 04: Washington should constructively leverage its clout with India and Pakistan to move the current peace process between the two countries forward and prevent it from failing, a prominent US think tank has said. Conceding that a sustainable conflict resolution would ultimately have to come from within, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said, however, the US should continue to use its influence to keep it from derailing.
While the ceasefire agreement is holding, violence is continuing in Kashmir, the CSIS said in the latest issue of its South Asia Monitor.
Although the proposed talks between India and Pakistan ''properly focus'' on a set of eight different issues, including Kashmir, ''the fate of this initiative'' hinges on three key elements, it said.
First, India should be willing to ''infuse enough substance into the discussions on Kashmir and give enough public recognition to their results'' to keep Pakistan fully engaged.
On its part, Pakistan should be willing and able to follow President Pervez Musharraf's pledge to disallow the use of the country's territory for terrorist activities in Kashmir after summer sets in and infiltration becomes physically possible.
Finally, it said, it should be possible to craft a solution that involves the Kashmiris in the peace process ''in a way that undercuts the militants appeal inside Kashmir”.
Bureau Report