Beijing, Sept 12: Beijing, the city hardest hit by SARS in the world, has set up a three-level emergency alert system to prevent the reappearance of the deadly pneumonia-like disease, state media said today. The system mandates that if any cases are found in Beijing or neighbouring areas, the city will institute the third level of alert, which will see Ditan Hospital, designated to treat epidemics, mobilised, the report said. Schools would then be required to take students' temperatures every day. If just one suspected case is reported in any school, school officials have the authority to suspend classes, according to the guidelines.
The alert will be raised to the second level when the capital reports six or more cases and has three or more outbreak locations.
Schools which report diagnosed or suspected cases might be asked to suspend classes. Quarantine measures would also be taken. Residential buildings and construction sites will be closely monitored as their occupants tend to live at close quarters.
When the city sees 30 or more diagnosed cases, the first level of alert will take effect.
By then, Xiaotangshan Hospital on the outskirts of the city, which was built specifically to handle SARS patients during the outbreak this spring, will begin receiving patients.
Authorities will also strictly impose health checks at access points such as airports, train stations, long distance bus stations and highways. Bureau Report