New Delhi, Feb 14: A Delhi court has allowed police to make copies of computer floppies and cassettes seized from the office of the Hurriyat Conference here last week.
Designated Judge S N Dhingra ordered that the seized material, including 27 floppies, 23 audio cassettes, 27 video cassettes and 26 mp8 cassettes, which were contained in sealed envelopes, be opened in court and copies made thereof. The special cell of Delhi police had sought the court's permission to "deseal" the envelopes so as to make transcrips for purpose of investigation.
Following a plea that it would be time-consuming to make CD's of the said cassettes in court, the court directed one of its officials to accompany the investigating officer to the workshop where the copies would be made and to bring back the materials.

Delhi police had raided the office of Hurriyat run under the name of Kashmir awareness bureau last week and made the seizure. The raid followed the arrest of amalgam's Delhi-based spokesman Shabir Ahmed Dar and the recovery of Rs two lakh from him.

The Delhi Police, on a tip-off from the intelligence agencies had arrested a woman Hurriyat activist Anjum Zamrooda Begum for receiving Rs 3.07 allegedly from expelled Pakistan Charge d'Affaires Jaleel Abbas Jilanai for funding separatist movement in Jammu and Kashmir.

Habib had revealed during interrogation that Dar also used to receive money from Pakistan High Commission.

The expelled diplomat has also been named in the fir registered in this connection. Bureau Report