London, Nov 11: Cannabis is more dangerous than tobacco and smoking three joints of pure cannabis is as bad for the lungs as 20 cigarettes, a medical study by the British Lung Foundation said today.
When the cannabis is mixed with tobacco, the effects are even worse, said the study titled "A Smoking Gun."
The tar in cannabis contains 50 per cent more carcinogens than tobacco. The study showed that the dangers linked to smoking cannabis are higher today than in the 1960s, as the cannabis is 15 times stronger than it was then with an ever growing level of thc (tetrahydrocanabinol), the main active ingredient.
This means, the report says, that studies carried out in the 60s are no longer applicable.

Dr Mark Britton, Chairman of the foundation, said: "These statistics will come as a surprise to many people, especially those who choose to smoke cannabis rather than tobacco in the belief it is `safer` for them.

"It is vital that people are fully aware of the dangers so they can make an educated decision and know the damage they may be causing. The report is not about the moral rights and wrongs of cannabis, but simply making sure everyone is completely clear about the respiratory health risks involved."

Dame Helena Shovelton, Chief Executive of the foundation, said: "Puff and inhalation volume with cannabis is up to four times higher than with tobacco - in other words you inhale deeper and hold your breath with the smoke for longer before exhaling. This results in more poisonous carbon monoxide and tar entering into the lungs."

Bureau Report