Washington, Mar 17: Former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein is not giving up much useful information under interrogation, but he is talking to his captors, a senior US official said on Tuesday. Asked whether the United States was getting any 'worthwhile intelligence' from Saddam, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said in an interview on a Philadelphia radio station, "I occasionally see the debriefs and he's a pretty wily guy, and he's not giving much information I've seen, but he seems to be enjoying the debate."

US authorities are interrogating Saddam at an undisclosed location in Iraq, with the CIA taking a lead role.

Saddam, 66, has been in US custody since he was captured in mid-December in a hole in the ground near his hometown of Tikrit in central Iraq.

The United States formally declared Saddam a prisoner of war in January, entitling him to a host of rights under the Geneva convention. Bureau Report