Islamabad, June 24: Members of the visiting Indian parliamentary delegation today said they were surprised to notice the change in public mood against 'jehad' in Pakistan and the craving of the people for friendship and good relations with India. "I have visited Pakistan in the past. This time I noticed fundamental change not only in the common man but even in the ruling elite in Pakistan about the realisation that there can be no solution to the conflict between India and Pakistan except negotiations," MP Shahid Siddiqui told Indian journalists here.
Siddiqui also pointed out to the change of attitude among the average Pakistanis towards 'jehad'.
"In the past I used to hear a lot about jehad. This time I have not heard this in a single meeting anywhere. Even in private conversations nobody mentions this word. There seems to be a change in attitude of the ruling elite in Pakistan," he said.
Led by noted journalist and MP Kuldip Nayyar, the delegation reached Karachi yesterday on their last leg of the tour.
Siddique said he also noticed a perceptible change in the mindset of the Pakistan people towards Indian Muslims. "In the past, whenever I mentioned Indian Muslims, I was not allowed to speak. This time not only people are listening to me but they are appreciating my point that Indian Muslims are crucial part of Indian secular fabric. And Indian secular fabric is inextricably linked to the solution of the Kashmir issue," he said.
Stating that privately people admitted that Pakistan can not ignore the interests of 18 crore Muslims of India for the sake of one crore Kashmiri Muslims, Siddiqi said, "There is change in perception that way. The whole environment is positive. They realise there is nothing much to gain through conflict.”
Agreeing with Siddiqui, Rashed Shaeen, the National Conference MP from Baramullah in Jammu and Kashmir said he wanted to send out a message to Pakistanis that they should help reduce violence in Kashmir.
Congress MP Pawan Bansal also expressed his surprise at the amount of love and affection showered by the people wherever the delegation went.
He said while some Pakistanis still have reservations about India, large sections wanted peace and friendship, adding a lot of Pakistanis are opposed to third party mediation to solve Kashmir and other problems between India and Pakistan. The delegation members also called for more people to people contacts to remove misunderstandings between the people of the two countries.
While the recent peace moves were well appreciated, Rajya Sabha MP from Hyderabad K M Khan said there should be more consistency in the approach of leaders. Bureau Report