Washington, Apr 24: Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's campaign said today that religion should not be an issue in US politics after a top Vatican official said catholic politicians who support abortion rights should be denied communion. Cardinal Francis Arinze would not comment specifically about Kerry, who is catholic and supports abortion rights. But when asked in general about ``unambiguously pro-abortion'' catholic politicians, Arinze said such a politician ``is not fit'' to receive communion.
Kerry spokesman David Wade would not respond directly to Arinze, but he reiterated Kerry's position on the separation of church and state that ``helped make religious affiliation a non issue in American politics.''
``The decisions he will make as president will be guided by his obligation to all the people of our country and to the constitution of the United States,'' wade said in the statement. ``Every American whether they be Jewish, catholic, protestant or any other faith must believe their president is representing them.''
A spokesman for Bush's re-election campaign declined to comment.
Bureau Report